Daniel JeffriesThe Secret World of Psychopaths: Why Psychopaths Have Always Ruled the World and Always Will“Kings ought never to be seen upon the stage…seen AS THEY WERE, their power and their pretensions look monstrous and ridiculous.”Oct 28, 202011Oct 28, 202011
Ramesh KatiyarImplement your own Rule-Engine (Java8 + SpringBoot + MVEL)Rule-Engine is an expert-system program, which runs the rules on the input data and if any condition matches then it executes the…Nov 15, 20192Nov 15, 20192
InMixpanel EngineeringbyMixpanel EngBuilding a (not so simple) expression language part II: Scope(This is part II of a two part series of posts, you can find part I here)Apr 28, 2015Apr 28, 2015
Muthukumaran NatarajanCustom Rule Engine using JavaHere I’m going to talk about how a simple custom rule engine can be created using java functional interface. Before we jump into the…Oct 19, 2019Oct 19, 2019